Friday 14 March 2014

The Fulani Woman in 1930.

A Fulani Woman with her Child in 1930: Photo Credit:
The image above is a capture of the Fulani mother and child in 1930! The Fulanis are one of the major tribes that are found in the northern part of Nigeria. They are predominantly herdsmen and nomadic who migrate in search of greener pasture for their cattle. During the longer dry season in north, they move in droves down to the southern part of the country to find grasses and shrubs for their animals. The Fulanis have a very unique culture. The sharo cultural festival is one of the unique cultures celebrated in the Fulani community to usher in new kings and initiate young Fulani men into
adulthood. A staple local drinks the fulanis will offer you when you visit is “FURA DAI NONO”.  Fura dai nono is yogurt drink made from the milk of their cows and goat. Fulanis are found in borno, kebbi, sokoto, kano, taraba and jigawa states all in northern Nigeria. The Fulani women have coily hair, they are tall and slender with a characteristic tribal marks on their faces.

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