Tuesday 26 March 2013

Nigerian Head of States Who Died on Active Service

Late President Musa Yar'adua. Photo Credit : www.biography.com

The Federal Republic of Nigerian have had great leaders in the past who ruled but passed away while still holding the position as either the president or the head of state. Most of these illustrious and selfless leaders were military leaders that were removed from office either through coup de'tat or as a result of natural course. However the last leader who ruled Nigeria and died while still in office was the former president Umaru Yar'adua who died on the 5th May 2010. This sincere and visionary leader was saddled with the mandate of transforming Nigeria was gone too soon as death never gave him the opportunity to rule away. Musa Yar'adua was fondly known to be a upholder of accountability, due process and transparency. An ardent advocate of electoral transformation and credible
electioneering. President Umaru Yar'adua unlike past leaders who passed on while still in office was a great achiever, an educator, and a chief servant leader. 

Below are list of both military leaders and past head of states who died while rendering selfless service to Nigeria their father's land.
Late General Agunyi Ironsi. Photo Credit : en.wikipedia.org

Late Major General Aguiyi-Ironsi was drafted into the Nigerian Army precisely on February 2nd 1942. He underwent training at the prestigious Eaton and Royal Army Corps in England. On return to Nigeria he was commission and later rose to the rank of lieutenant.  He served as the ADC to the then governor general of Nigeria, John Macpherson. Aguyi Ironsi was born 3 March 1924 and died on the 22 of July 1966 by a coup.
Late General Murtala Muhammed. Photo Credit : en.wikipedia.org

The late Major General Murtala Muhammed was the then Nigeria military Head of State from the year 1975 till 1976 when he was assassinated. He was from the northern extract of Nigeria and was against the rule of General Ayuiyi-Ironsi who ceased power from him just after the coup of 15 January, 1966. He was killed on Feb 1976.

Late General Sani Abacha. Photo Credit : en.wikipedia.org

 Late General Sanni Abacha was born in September 20th 1943 and died in June 8th 1988. Abacha died of a natural cause. His death was very controversial in the history of Nigeria. He was Nigerian’s Military Head of state from 1993 – 1998. 

1 comment:

  1. Your comments are highly welcome. please do not leave this blog without adding your views. Do you think a sit tight leader should be encouraged in our country?
