Tuesday 26 March 2013

The New Nigerian Passport.

The Nigerian Passport. Photo Credit: www.habanaija.com

The Nigerian passport is a travel document which every Nigeria must obtain before he or she can travel outside the country. It is like a small note book and is normally issued by the passport office of the immigration office under the ministry of internal affairs. It contains all the details or particulars of the owner. such as particular includes the full name of owner, his or her date and place of birth, his or her photograph and type of work he or she does. The Nigerian passport can be owned by a man and his wife. In such a case, the photographs and other particulars of the man and his wife are all inserted in the passport, the name; sex and date of birth of all the children are also inserted.
It is important to note that every Nigerian under the age of eighteen needs a letter of consent from either the parents or the guardian before his or her passport can be approved and issued. As in most countries, a guarantor is provided by an applicant for a Nigeria passport. This guarantor is required to make a promise to help bring the passport owner back to Nigeria in case he or she has difficulties abroad. There are many countries where we may have to obtain entry permission or a visa before being allowed to enter. With the Nigerian passport therefore, we can travel outside the country. The passport also establishes our identity as Nigerians. We can also be traced to our families while at home in Nigeria through the particulars on our passport.

1 comment:

  1. Your comments are highly welcome. please do not leave this blog without adding your views. Do you think the Nigeria Passport is worth having by every one?
